- So we had a bunch of vodka drinkers over (my people!) so I bought lots of limes, lemons, tonic and club soda, etc... NO ONE USED ANY LIMES!!!
- I needed a dessert for a FRG Potluck so I googled lime cookies... found LOTS of amazing recipes and couldn't decide between a shortbread with glaze, standard 'tollhouse base' with lime and basil, and a cornmeal cookie. COULDN'T DECIDE!!! So I mish mashed them!!
- Heaven resulted. Great texture, no crunchy corn feel just more crumbly and soft at the same time! The basil isn't a huge part its just a refreshing hint of flavor that people probably won't be able to put their finger on! My favorite kind of flavor: SNEAKY!
Citrus-Basil Cornmeal Cookies
3/4 c cornmeal (I used Indian Head Stone Ground its pretty fine ground)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 sticks unsalted BUTTER (REAL BUTTER)
1 c sugar
2 tbsp lime zest (2-3 limes required!)
1 tbsp lemon zest
1 1/2 tbsp finely chopped fresh basil
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 large eggs (My eggs were fresh and really big so you might add an extra tbsp of egg to get exact results)
3 1/2 tbsp fresh lime juice
3 cups powdered sugar
1 tablespoon lime zest
1/2 cup lemon/lime juice (whatever you scrape up)
Doing it:
- Wake up in the morning and set out our butter and eggs so they are room temp ;) or put them in your pocket :D
- Preheat oven to 350
- Whisk flour, cornmeal, baking powder, and salt
- In a separate bowl (*cough* stand-mixer *cough cough*) Combine BUTTER and sugar. 5-8 minutes (Until "fluffy" but not in a "that dog is really fluffy kinda way... just til it changes texture!)
- Add zest, basil, vanilla, juice, eggs. Blend until just together.
- Pour in flour mixture in 3-4 segments
waiting til blended - Scoop in 1in balls 2-3inch apart on parchment.
- With wet fingers or a spoon spread out the mixture slightly
- Bake 10-12 minutes until edges are just brown.
- Mix powdered sugar, zest and juice well.
- Spoon glaze on to cookies. I like a half a spoonful and then a quick smear with the back of the spoon so its more completely covered. And to avoid little wells of glaze!
- Let sit 45-60 minutes to set glaze.
Hints and such:
- Most houses in Northern NY don't have AC. INCLUDING ME!!! So it was pretty warm in the house.. by the last batch my dough was weapy... I don't recommend it
- Next time I make these I will probably use Almond Extract (Just because I love Almond and Lime together!)
- I'm a heavy glazer. Its a problem. But most of my glaze ended up under the rack..
- I don't have a zzzzzester at the moment due to a fatal dishwasher accident, scraping the limes with the points of a cheap serrated steak knife works fabulous!
- Yields 36 small cookies... or I ended up with 36... counting casualties and dough loss I would say close to 42-45 cookies :D I like cookie dough :D
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